상세 컨텐츠

본문 제목

What's the best thing about your country?


by go2gether 2021. 5. 11. 11:42


#326. What's the best thing about your country?


MTH 29

Chapter5, Rhymes of the Christmas Knight

If Jack and Annie will bring back Camelot people to life, they have to complete their quest.

The quest was bringing a cup of water back to Camelot.

And there were three rhymes to remember.

"Beyond the iron gate, the keepers of the cauldron wait.

Four gifts you will need, the first from me, then a cup, a compass, and finally, a key.

If you survive to complete your quest, the secret door lies to the west."

The knight gave them his red cloak and then he was gone.


fury 격노,분노 / furious (a)몹시화가난

cauldron 가마솥


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