상세 컨텐츠

본문 제목

MTH 40


by go2gether 2021. 10. 5. 14:17


Chapter 40-1. Smile

It was a chilly November afternoon.

Annie was taking photos of Jack for her project at school.

Jack saw a light that went over the woods.

It was the sign of returning to the Tree House.

Jack and Annie headed into the woods.

The Tree House was there.

Teddy and Kathleen were there, too.

They all hugged each other.

Morgan wanted them to find the final secret of happiness for Merlin.

Jack already had three gifts - a poem, a drawing, and a seashell.

Teddy gave Jack a book was titled "The world of Antarctica.

Kathleen gave Annie a poem from Morgan.

With the wand of Dianthus, Jack and Annie set out on their journey to Antarctica.



Chapter 40-2. Lots of Ice

Jack and Annie were bundled in cold-weather gear.
The Tree House was tucked under the overhang of an ice cliff near the ocean.
The book said no people ever lived in Antarctica.
There were no kings, no queens, no crowns.
Annie went out of the Tree House.
She saw a group of Emperor penguins, grownup and baby.
The book said the Emperor penguin's closest ancestors lived 40 million years ago.
Annie took a picture of the penguins for her project.
Just then, a giant petrel tried to hunt a baby penguin.
Jack threw his arms around the baby penguin, and Annie chased it out.
The petrel disappeared.
Jack made the group of penguins going to the sea, and they dove into the sea, and they all disappeared.
Jack and Annie heard a sound "HONK!"
They reached the top and looked down.
"We haven't gone back in time at all!" said Jack.


Chapter 40-3. Short Grown-ups

In the ice field below the slop was a small town.
Many scientific research stations were there, and the largest was named McMurdo Station.
Four people who wore winter gear headed to a red bus.
The bus driver was Nancy, and also she was a guide.
She saw Jack and Annie and asked them if they were going to the volcano, Mount Erebus.
They worried that she asked why kids were traveling alone in Antarctica, but they joined the group.
They were covered with their goggles and masks to hide they were kids and took the bus.
The red bus took off.
Nancy let passengers introduce themselves.
Lucy Banks was a space scientist and from American.
Ali Khan was a biologist and from Turkey.
Tony Sars was a travel writer and from Sydney, Australia.
Kim Lee was a photographer and Korean.
Jack shouted in a deep voice, "Frog Creek Times, USA."
Annie introduced herself as a photographer and held up her camera.
Nancy told the passengers the rules in Antarctica.
Jack scribbled, "go slow, stay with others, never touch wildlife."
Jack and Annie felt it was getting the same as their real situation and Morgan's rhyme.


Chapter 40-4. Happy Campers

An orange and white helicopter touched down onto a flat, snowy field.
Jack thought everything was the same with the rhyme.
Four adults, Jack, and Annie took in the chopper and buckled their seat belts.
Nacy told campers to wear headphones under their seats to protect their ears and serve as a radio.
Jack checked the rhyme, but he didn't understand a phrase, "then all fall down..."
The chopper approached on top of Mount Erebus.
They could see lava lakes of it and the burning lava was miles deep.
Nancy warned about the training of snowmobile and altitude sickness.
Jack worried about them because Jack and Annie had never trained about them. 
They decided to gather in the hut of the top.
The helicopter landed on the slope and all the passengers got off it.
And the chopper flew away.


Chapter 40-5. Lava Bombs

Jack worried about driving snowmobiles and altitude sickness.
Nancy led the group into the small orange hut.
All they sat on the plastic chairs and drunk water that melted glacier ice.
Nancy warned of driving sideways, and people warned of lava bombs.
Everyone went out of the hut, but Jack felt dizzy and altitude sickness.
Annie was not good, too.
Jack took off his mask and goggles for his breath.
Just then, Nancy came into the hut and was surprised at looking at them.
She hadn't known they were kids.
She connected her radio and told Pete to come back right away to pick up the kids.


Chapter 40-6. All Fall Down

Nancy blamed herself bring two kids, and Jack said it was all his fault.
She gave blankets and hot water to Jack and Annie.
And then she left the hut because she had to lead the campers to the crater.
In a few minutes, Pete should be back here.
Annie went outside to take photos while they waited for Pete.
Jack thought what Nancy said "cracks in ice!".
He went to Annie, but they fell through a crack into the ice.
The ice was cracked even if they moved a little.
In the end, they decided to use the wand for everyone, themselves, Merline, and Camelot.
Jack made a wish, "SAVE ANNIE, MERLIN, AND ME!"
After a while, the ice broke, and they fell down the darkness.


Chapter 40-7. The Emperor

The ice under Jack and Annie was moving.
There was a thin light, and it grew brighter, and they came out bright place.
The ice raft under them floated down a narrow river and into a gigantic cavern.
There were penguins they had seen earlier.
There was an emperor penguin who wore an ancient crown.
He let them enter.
Jack and Annie bowed to him.
The Cave of the Ancient Crown was sparkling with icicles.
There were other penguins in there, and a baby penguin that Jack and Annie had saved was there.
The emperor appreciated Jack and Annie for saving their baby.
Jack and Annie told the emperor they had to seek the secret of happiness Merlin.
The baby penguin wanted to go with them.
She was an orphan but very brave and full of joy, so she brought happiness to Merlin.
Jack named her Penny.
Jack, Annie, and Penny left there and returned to Nancy through the wand.



Chapter 40-8. A Good Story

The snowmobiles and the helicopter were parked on the slope.
Jack and Annie worried about Nancy noticed Penny in Jack's parker.
Penny kept making sounds Peep, and Jack coughed to cover Peep each time.
As Jack and Annie approached the campers, they encouraged Jack and Annie.
Jack, Annie, Nancy, and campers boarded the helicopter, and it took off.
The chopper passed the burning mountain, boiling lava, ice, snow, and it landed in the heliport.
The group transferred to the red bus.
Jack took care of Penny well on the bus, and Penny snuggled close to Jack.
So he felt like all his worries seemed to disappear due to Penny.
The bus stopped at the station, and everyone climbed off.

Nancy said she would take Jack and Annie where they were staying
Annie used tact, and they could be out of Nancy.
They went to the Tree House, and Annie said the magic words to go to Camelot.


Chapter 40-9. Penny and Merlin

They arrived at Camelot, and the Tree House landed in an orchard.
Teddy and Kathleen greeted Jack and Annie.
Teddy led them to Merlin's small cottage at the edge of the orchard.
Merlin laid closing his eyes, and Morgan greeted Jack and Annie.
Annie showed things that they found last four missions to Merlin.
Basho's poem, Leonardo's picture, and a tiny shell creature.
She said that the secret of happiness was paying attention to small things in nature, feeling happy about everything, having compassion for all living things.
But Merlin didn't be better.
Jack showed Penny to Merlin. 
Jack explained the emperor wanted you to take care of her, and she lost her parents, but she was brave and joyful. 
But Merlin's expression didn't change.
Just then, Penny made a sound Peep.
Merlin began to laugh, and his face settled into a warm smile.
Morgan was happy recovering Merline, and he thanked Jack and Annie for seeking the secret of happiness.
And Morgan and Penny strolled together to see for rising the moon.


Chapter 40-10. The Secret

Jack and Annie were not exactly sure about their fourth mission.
Morgan told them that taking care of others makes someone happy.
Annie took a photo of Morgan, Teddy, and Kathleen.
Teddy was curious about what she was doing.
After all of them said goodbye, Jack and Annie came back to the Frog Creek Woods.
Annie saw her camera, but all pictures were gone except for Jack's photo took before leaving.
They thought the photo of a magical trip couldn't keep.
They reviewed their last trip.
The fourth secret was to take care of someone who needs you.
And also you could make other people happy by letting them take care of you.
They headed home in a hurry.

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