상세 컨텐츠

본문 제목

MTH 41


by go2gether 2021. 10. 15. 18:20


MTH 41-1. To Summer Palace

Annie saw the Tree House on the way home, so she took Jack with the wand, and they went to the woods.
The Tree House was back, and Teddy and Kathleen were there.
All Four greeted each other. 
Merline wanted Jack and Annie to help put the brilliant artist to share his(her) gifts with the world, so he(she) brought happiness to millions of people.
Kathleen handed a royal invitation.
On the invitation was written a party at a summer palace in 1762.
Kathleen took the wand of Dianthus from Jack and changed it into a magic flute.
She let them know how to use the flute.
Playing the flute will deliver you from danger.
It will make its own music.
While one plays, the other must make up a song.
After the song ends, the flute's magic will end.
The flute's magic can only use once.
This time Jack and Annie took off to Austria without a research book.


MTH 41-2. Put On Your Wig!

Jack and Annie were changed medieval attire.

The Tree House landed in a row of trees that lined a cobblestone street.

It was 5 o'clock, and it was the same time as the party written on the invitation.

They climb down the Tree House in a hurry to not being late for the party.

They asked the coachman named Josef how to go to the palace.

He rode them to the palace.

As they passed the gates, there was an immense square.

There were monks and soldiers.

On the far side of the square was a long building.

It was a palace that had a huge garden.

Josef told them that you have to introduce yourself to Her Imperial Majesty Maria Theresa because you were the first time to visit the palace.



MTH 41-3. Her Imperial Majesty

The women wore glittering jewels and gowns with giant hoop skirts.
The men wore wigs with white curls and long coats.
There was the kid who yelled at Jack, he was one of the imperial children.
Jack and Annie were lined to enter Great Rosa Room.
They didn't know what to do when they enter the room, so Annie asked a girl in a white dress.
The girl gave them some information.
It was time for their turn.
There were Her Imperial Majesty and her children in the room.
They entered the Great Rosa Room and introduced themselves as the girl let them know.
And they bowed in the center of the room.
Then walked closer to Her Imperial Majesty and bowed.
They couldn't rise until Her Imperial Majesty allowed it.
So Jack bent over more.
Just then, the flute, his wig, and his hat dropped, and he caught them.
The imperial children and Her Imperial Majesty laughed loudly.
Jack was still bowing, and back step, he bumped into a wall. 
The imperial children clapped and cheered.



MTH 41-4. Jack of Frog Creek!

Annie made fun of Jack as a dummy.
Jack walked fast to just anywhere because he was so angry.
Annie apologized to him and comforted him.
Annie and Jack decided to find the brilliant artist first.
They returned to the party room and looked around there.
Just then, they met the boy with the tiny sword and the girl who had helped them in line.
The boy named Wolfie and the girl named Nannerl were brother and sister.
Wolfie had looked for Jack.
Nan complimented Jack's performance, and Wolfie wanted to play with Jack.
Annie asked Nan there were any brilliant artists at the party.
Wolfie interrupted and said he and Nan were brilliant.
Nan said she would ask Dad where the artists were.



MTH 41-5. Bad Manners

It was dinner time.
Nan and Jack talked to meet later at double doors after dinner.
She and Wolfie went to their father.
Jack and Annie entered the party room and sat down on chairs of the table at the far of the room.
But all the seats already were planed by the empress.
So Jack and Annie stood up from the chairs and entered another elegant room.
Wolfie called and followed them.
Jack explained they had to do something important and you couldn't come with us.
Wolfie started to cry.
Nan came into the room and said that Wolfie had a big responsibility tonight.
But he charged out of the room.
And his father burst through another door and rushed out of the room to find his son.
And Nan hurried after her father.



MTH 41-6. Under the Moon

Soon Nan came into the room again, and she asked Jack to find Wolfie together. 
So he decided to start looking for Wolfie.
Jack and Annie went to the garden that Wolfie kept talking.
Strange sounds came from the garden: AI-YEE!, WHOOP-WHOOP!, KER-LOO!, 
Annie hurried into the woods because a faint little cry came from the woods.
Jack followed her but the strange sounds still came from the woods.
Jack was confused, and something was moving through the bushes.
It was bear.
Jack stepped back away and then ran as fast as he could.
He met in with a baboon, a hyena, a crane, and he found Annie.
They didn't know what was happened.
They also watched an ostrich, a gazelle, a peacock.
They realized it was the zoo that the coach driver said.
Wolfie's voice was close by.
They were so sure Wolfie let the animals out of their cages.
They went to Wolfie, and a leopard looked up at Wolfe and growled.



MTH 41-7. Follow me

Jack saw Annie's sign and pulled out the flute, and he started blowing it, and she started singing.
Leopard followed Jack as Annie's song said.
Jack and Annie kept walking slowly and met all animals the giant bear, the hyena, the gazelle, the ostrich, the peacock.
Jack and Annie kept walking and singing, and all animals joined the parade as Annie's song said.
And Annie sang that you're all free to roam and go home now, go home.
All wild animals disappeared, and the only animals that belonged in the woods left.
Wolfie wished that he wanted the animals to be free, but they could have gotten hurt.
He whirled around, clapping and dancing for joy.
Jack thought he was a weird kid.
The palace clock hit the bell seven.
Nan was calling his name.
Wolfie said that it was late and the whole world was waiting for him.



MTH 41-8. The Hall of Mirrors

Nan took Wolfie to the Hall of Mirrors.

Wolfie told Jack and Annie to come over there, and they decided to go there to say goodbye.

When they arrived at the Hall of Mirrors, all party guests were there.

Her Imperial Majesty and the imperial children sat in the front row.

Wolfie recognized Jack and Annie and let them come in.

And Wolfie started playing the piano. 

At first playing, Jack didn't trust Wolfie could play the piano, but it was amazing playing.

After finishing playing, all the guests clapped and cheered.

Wolfie had played the piano since he was there, and now he wrote his own music.

Her Imperial Majesty called him Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart.

Jack and Annie were surprised.

Wolfie was the great artist that they were looking for.

He was with them all along.



MTH 41-9. Me and the Clown
Jack and Annie thought they were completed their mission.
Whey they went toward Wolfie to say goodbye, Her Imperial Majesty asked them a performance.
Annie accepted it, and she started singing a song.
Jack tried to blow the flute, but it didn't make any sound.
So he played a performance like a clown, and everyone laughed.
Annie said goodbye as a song.
Wolfie promised not to forget Jack and Annie.
And they slipped out the door.



MTH 41-10. Joy

Jack and Annie passed the Great Rosa Room, the next three rooms, the guard, and the giant square.

They saw Josef among a line of coaches.

Josef took them kindly back to the gate.

They and Josef said good night.

Jack and Annie climbed up to the Tree House and said the magic words.

And they came back to the Frog Creek woods.

Jack laid the flute in the corner of the Tree House.

He and Annie started going home.

When they got home, Jack searched Mozart through the internet.

An entry said Mozart's last great opera was called The Magic Flute.

Wolfie kept his promise, Annie said.


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