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0629. Converting the living room into a study


by go2gether 2021. 6. 29. 17:39


0628. Sticky rice cakes



0629. Converting the living room into a study


MTH 32

Chapter3, The Ice Wizard

There was the Ice Wizard of Winter in the palace.

He was sitting on a throne and had a fugged, weatherbeaten face, a bushy beard, and a black eye patch.

He was expecting Jack and Annie.

Because long ago, he traded his eye for something with Fates.

But he never got it, they cheated him.

So he wanted his eye back and only mortals can undo a bargain with the Fates.

He gave a magic rhyme to them.

Take my sleigh, and find your way.

To the house of the Norns, in the curve of the bay.

Pay them whatever, they tell you to pay.

And bring back my eye, by break of day.

He warned them to beware the white wolves of the night.

He told if they won't find his eye, they will never see Merlin and Morgan.

And in an instant, Jack, Annie, Teddy, and Kathleen were outside the palace.



Chapter4, Take My Sleigh

Norns weave great tapestries that determine the fate of all who live in the Land-Behind-the-Clouds.
Jack, Annie, Teddy, and Kathleen found the sleigh not far away.
White wolves kept coming but they didn't know how to make it go.
Teddy said untie a knot.
Whenever untie a knot, it worked faster.
When Jack untied the third knot, the sleigh shot forward, and they could run away from the wolves.
But they didn't know where they have to go to meet Fates.
When Jack tied the knots, the sleigh stopped.
Kathleen asked the seal where is the curve of the bay.
It was beyond those sea rocks.
Finally, they found the Norns and peered into the house.
Suddenly, they listened to the howl of the wolves.
All of them were surprised and scrambled into the house of the Norns.



Chapter5. The Norns

Three Norns almost looked alike but wore different colored gowns, blue, brown, and gray.

Norns' house was cozy.

Norns already knew about their name and why they came here and were weaving the story of the Ice Wizard.

Norns told the story of the eye.

Long ago, the Ice Wizard wished to have all the wisdom of the world by giving his one eye.

So the seeds of wisdom were planted in his heart, but they never grew.

Norns wished to give the eye to the Frost Giant because he would see the beauty of the world.

But he hid the eye in the heart of the hailstone.

Norns gave advice to them, you must never look directly at the Frost Giant because if you will do that, you will freeze to death at once.

And Norns told them to travel the North Star, and whey you reach the snowy hills, look for the peakless one.

Annie paid Norns her scarf.

Kathleen asked the story of a swan and the boy, and Norns told it.

The Ice Wizard had a younger sister, and they fought.

He told her to leave him and she ran down to the sea in tears and she met swan maidens.

She became a swan maiden after wearing the feathered dress they gave to her and she never returned.

After she left, he grew cold and mean-spirited.

The end of the Ice Wizard's story depended on what Jack and Annie do.

Jack, Annie, Teddy, and Kathleen left the house of the Norns.


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