상세 컨텐츠

본문 제목

MTH 34


by go2gether 2021. 7. 22. 12:50


MTH 34-1. The Golden Age

Annie saw the magic tree house when she was on the way home from the library.
Because she had a feeling.
Jack and she went to the tree house with Teddy and Kathleen's book.
It was on the tallest oak in the woods and they climbed into it.
There were a book and Merlin's letter.
The book's title was The Golden Age of Baghdad.
They read Merlin's letter, it was so mysterious.
They make the wish to solve Merlin's mission.



MTH 34-2. Nowhere

Jack and Annie were wearing like Aladdin and Ali Baba.

The tree house landed on a palm tree in the middle of a desert.

The research book said the caliph was a ruler and lived in Baghdad.

So they used one of the rhymes in Teddy and Kathleen’s book to go to Baghdad.

Suddenly a sandstorm blew from the desert and the wind died down soon.

Just then, 4 helpers appeared outside of the window.


MTH 34-3. Mamoon

Jack and Annie climbed down the tree house and said hello to the leader who named Mamoon of camel riders.
He thought concerned and strangely about why they were here in the desert alone.
He explained that the riders came here by a sudden sandstorm and they will travel on to Baghdad.
Jack and Annie gave them a hand with gathering dates to join with them.
After finishing the help, the riders, Jack and Annie ate tea and dates.
Annie told the riders that Jack and Annie had to get to Baghdad and meet with the caliph.
Mamoon suggested to Jack and Anni, going together to Baghdad, and Jack and Annie agreed with it.
And they got to know that "ships of the desert" referred to as Camels.



MTH 34-4. Ships of the Desert

When the sun set, they started to go.
Mamoon took Jack and Annie two camels.
Annie gave names the camels Cutie and Beauty.
She rode on the Cutie.
Jack climbed onto Beauty but she slapped his back with her tail, spat at him, and chewed his bag.
He was afraid of her.
Mamoon came and told Jack about the camels as superior to us.
People can travel the desert safely due to the camels.
The riders kept going ahead slowly on a starry night.
Mamoon told his experience when he was a boy to Jack and Annie.
He didn't like the cold night in the desert but over time, he became loving it.
And also he got to know to be reading the wind and the stars.
Suddenly a fierce shout came from the distance.
It was Bandits.


MTH 34-5. Bandits!

Mamoon gave Jack and Annie a wooden box have to protect it with their lives and slapped Jack and Annie's camels.
They bolted forward until reached the dunes.
Jack and Annie wondered what was in the box.
They tried to open it but couldn't.
And they heard a high-pitched moaning sound like violin music.
A silhouetted rider appeared and ran toward them.
They dug the sand and hid the box into the sand in haste.
It was Mamoon.
Annie showed them the box they had buried.
All of them started to head east toward the morning sun to go to Baghdad riding the camels with the wooden box.
But Mamoon saw some signs of a terrible sandstorm.



MTH 34-6. Sandblasted

The sandstorm covered them.
The treasure box was fallen from the saddlebag and Jack raced and caught it in the sandblasted.
Finally, the wind died down.
Jack met Annie and camels with the treasure box.
But they couldn't find Mamoon.
They saw a crack in the treasure box and opened it.
There was a book, not gold or jewels.
The first page of the book said "The writings of Aristotle."
Their research book said Aristotle was the greatest Greece philosopher.
They got to know they had to get the book to the caliph.
That was Merlin's mission.
They headed Baghdad riding Beauty and Cutie with the book.
The desert was burning sunlight.
And they finally arrived in Baghdad.


MTH 34-7. Behind the Third Wall

Beauty and Cutie walked toward Baghdad.
A huge outdoor market was on the other side of the river and there were many kinds of merchants.
Jack and Annie read again Merlin's letter.
"Find a horse on a dome, the one who sees all, in the heart of the city behind the third wall."
They passed through the three walls. The third wall was taller than the second and first one.
They made their camels knelt at a stable of the courtyard where boys were playing ball.
A ball rolled into the stable, so Annie talked with boys.
Annie said they have to see the caliph, and they were special, but the boys laughed.
Jack took her back to the stable.
But they were shocked by Beauty was chewing Aristotle's book!



MTH 34-8. Room of the Tree

Jack and Annie blamed themselves but it was useless.

Annie figured out the torn book could be fixed by the rhyme book.

They read the rhyme, "Mend what cannot be mended."

The torn book was recovered.

They reminded Merlin's letter.

"Beneath birds who sing in the room of the tree, greet a friend you once knew and a new friend to be."

A servant girl brought them into a room at a palace.

She told them that they had to bow to the floor and didn't look up and spoke.

There were a giant tree and mechanical golden birds, and beneath the tree was an empty chair.

Jack and Annie followed what the servant girl said.

The door opened and a man came into the room.

They gave him the priceless treasure book.

He asked them what kind of reward they wanted, but they didn't want anything.

Finally, they looked up and saw him.

It was Mamoon.



MTH 34-9. House of Wisdom

Jack and Annie were surprised looking at Mamoon who was caliph.
Mamoon took them to his library called the house of wisdom.
They were able to solve another mystery, "Greet a friend you once knew and a new friend to be."
There was a great mathematician and a brilliant scientist in the library.
The caliph said the world grows wise only when wisdom is shared.
Also, people who worked in the library copied all books by hand.
The caliph thanked Jack and Annie for saving Aristotle's writings.
And caliph left the library for his duties, and they stayed there.



MTH 34-10. Before the Moon Rises

Jack and Annie decided to use Teddy and Kathleen's magic book to return to the tree house.
Because they had to get back to the tree house before the moon rose.
They found the right rhyme in the book. 
The rhyme was "Fly through the air."
They rode a small carpet, and the carpet glided out of the House of wisdom.
It flew over three walls and where they had passed.
Finally, they arrived at the tree house and got inside the tree house.
They said the magic words and got back to the Frog Creek woods.
They changed to the original clothes.
Jack left the research book but kept the magic book.
Annie guessed the servant girl and boy were Teddy and Kathleen, and Jack agreed with it.
And they hurried toward home.

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